Friday, 3 July 2015

What is the effect of default user session limit in N-4100 (Hotspot) and how/when to adjust it?

Model Number: ZyXEL N-4100


Sometimes network traffic drop constantly or even unable to access website while browsing, no matter from LAN or WLAN


It is caused by default user session limit of N4100, which is 128
You can adjust it according to your network utilization policy to match specific needs
Said symptom is that N4100 has running out of sessions, the ping ICMP packets will not get response from
If similiar phenomenon happens, please adjust user session, it can ease the symptom


The N4100 is at factory default setting
GW------------------N4100---------[Ethernet or WLAN]----------------PC
To browse websites and ping at the same time, found ping lost very often while doing quick web browse
(switch website before page completely loading)
I can see ping loss and web page loading fail very often, sometimes the website will even become unavailable.
To ease the symptom you just need to idle the device for a moment

1 comment:

  1. Hi

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